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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada sit amet turpis id bibendum. Nulla eu elit nunc. Pellentesque faucibus dictum neque, ac iaculis leo ullamcorper vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras blandit erat pulvinar lorem imperdiet, quis vestibulum elit malesuada. Aliquam convallis congue nisi, quis euismod felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam dapibus leo vitae nisi tempor, ac porta ipsum blandit. Nulla quis viverra dolor.
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    ৳ 8,000.00
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada sit amet turpis id bibendum. Nulla eu elit nunc. Pellentesque faucibus dictum neque, ac iaculis leo ullamcorper vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras blandit erat pulvinar lorem imperdiet, quis vestibulum elit malesuada. Aliquam convallis congue nisi, quis euismod felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam dapibus leo vitae nisi tempor, ac porta ipsum blandit. Nulla quis viverra dolor. Integer ut facilisis sapien. Etiam semper aliquet diam, nec pulvinar ex consequat non. Morbi a laoreet ante. In sit amet ex ex. Aliquam et sagittis nibh. Cras fringilla vel quam vitae rutrum. Nullam ex ipsum, sollicitudin in dictum quis, vulputate nec tellus.
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    ৳ 4,500.00
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque aliquam ligula non ornare. Aliquam euismod mi vitae pulvinar ultricies. Quisque lobortis leo vitae dolor dictum, a blandit orci commodo. Ut eget metus blandit, vehicula lectus venenatis, gravida risus. Ut eget luctus sapien. Donec at ante interdum, egestas nulla lobortis, aliquet arcu. Donec cursus egestas arcu porttitor feugiat. Nulla id facilisis sapien. In viverra turpis quis scelerisque lacinia. Proin gravida molestie felis, eget consectetur risus ultricies ac. Donec luctus orci porta tortor lacinia, vel imperdiet ex vulputate. Cras eu metus mi. Ut eget convallis magna, ac molestie orci. Sed sem lacus, tempus vitae semper a, efficitur porttitor turpis. Nullam diam metus, ornare at sem at, imperdiet congue lectus. Etiam id velit vel mi ultrices sodales quis sed dolor. Nullam id leo id enim interdum aliquet. Nulla arcu purus, sodales in tempus lacinia, congue vel turpis. Donec ipsum turpis, placerat sed sem non, feugiat fermentum libero.
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    Business English

    ৳ 7,000.00
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    English for Kids

    ৳ 6,500.00
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    ৳ 16,500.00
    IELTS Exam is going to be very easy for you when you are with Language Help, BD, the best IELTS coaching center in Bangladesh. We are here to help you with our 32 unique classes. Even you are going to get more than 13 IELTS writing classes as most of the Bangladeshi candidates always struggle with this section.  We also provide more than 3 extra classes on speaking and reading through our language clubs where you will get your course trainer as well. Besides, there are many segmented batches such as ONE to ONE, Professional, General etc. To know more about this course, please scroll down and get detail information. Remember, there is no shortcut to IELTS.
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    Phonetics Course

    ৳ 3,000.00
    Nowadays, almost everyone can speak English well. So, to stand out from the crowd we need have something different. And, a good pronunciation can make the difference. What are you waiting for?  Take the course and speak like the natives. This will help you in both speaking and understanding the natives. To know more about our course, please keep scrolling. Remember, we can only guide you to reach your goal but it's you who need to attend the classes and practice a lot to be a spontaneous speaker. For sure, we don't have any shortcut methods.
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    Spoken English Course

    ৳ 6,500.00
    As a lingua franca, English has been being spoken throughout the world for years. No doubt, without knowing English, nowadays, it is quite difficult to lead the international market. Even most of the job interviews, business dealings are next to impossible for us to manage except being fluent in English.  So, speaking English is a must. In Bangladesh, we provide the best spoken English Course. To know more about our course, please keep scrolling. Remember, we can only guide you to reach your goal but it's you who need to attend the classes and practice a lot to be a spontaneous speaker. For sure, we don't have any shortcut methods.
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    Basic Grammar and Writing Aid

    ৳ 6,500.00
    As a lingua franca, English has been being used throughout the world for years. No doubt, without knowing English, nowadays, it is quite difficult to lead the international market. Even most of the job related exams, business dealings are next to impossible for us to manage except being expert in English.  So, knowing English is a must. We provide the best service to ensure your development in writing and using grammar. To know more about our course, please keep scrolling. Remember, we can only guide you to reach your goal but it's you who need to attend the classes and practice a lot to be a good English user. For sure, we don't have any shortcut methods.

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